Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The scooter re-discovered

The cool breeze blowing through you hair, the cacophony of the traffic passing by. Its been some four, four and a half years since I have ridden my dad’s old scooter partly because its hadn’t been repaired, serviced for the past four years and partly because it isn’t considered very hip by my college going peers to be riding one.

In my eagerness to graduate from driving the two wheeler to a car, I had forgotten the joys of driving one. I have to thank my dad for getting it repaired when he had come home for my sisters marriage, so that he could use it get petty chores done.

Driving one through the bustling streets of West Delhi, allows you feel vibrant character the city has, one which tend to give a miss sitting inside the bubble created by the car. Some of those familiar with the Delhi traffic and the summer heat, might be wondering what I am talking about. I guess u can add that to list of reasons why I used to cringe at the thought of riding my two legged buddy. As a matter of fact it was one argument I had put forth, for my dad to allow me to use the car. I guess some times heart doest follow any reason, you just had to be in my place riding to feel what I felt and know why I felt it.

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Interesting fact: the registration no. of the scooter ends with a 007!!!